To keep the air in your home crisp and clean, tuck our solids under a bed or behind a couch for 6 – 8 weeks of continuous odor elimination. For immediate relief from unpleasant smells, spritz the air with one of our spray air fresheners and feel the light, lasting freshness.

At Home
Home, Sweet (Smelling) Home
Choose your scent event: Add a refreshing spritz of fragrance at just the right (stinky) moment with our natural citrus sprays, or knock out odors at the source for the long haul with our solids. Life’s complicated enough. Go for effortless odor control with Citrus Magic.

Auto & RV
Focus on the Journey (Not the Odors)
Small spaces require appropriately sized solutions, which is why our line of on-the-go vehicle air fresheners work hard to eliminate odors without overwhelming small spaces with artificial scents. Compact sprays fit perfectly in the glove compartment, while solid odor absorbers stow neatly underneath a seat, keeping your vehicle fresh for 4 – 6 weeks. Enjoy the drive!

Don’t Let Pet Odors Greet You at the Door, Too
Tuck a solid air freshener behind the litter box or spray our specially formulated pet odor eliminators and stain removers to keep (remove the) olfactory peace with your best friends. Made with natural, vegetable-based enzymes, our pet sprays effectively neutralize pet urine, vomit, feces (yuck!) and more.

Put a Dent in the Damp
Keep closets full of clothes and linens fresh and mustiness-free with our moisture absorbers and odor eliminators. Or take it up a notch with a solid air freshener for 6 – 8 weeks of continual, just-cleaned smell.